Having it your way has been the
mantra of many service providers. Such a
competitive advantage requires comprehensive customer intelligence. Customers enjoy “we know you” personalization
and abhor repeat engagements when the service provider treats them like a
A luxury hotel chain had a process
that tracked guests’ preferences. Even housekeepers
entered input into a PDA to be later considered for the guest’s profile. Order a fruit plate a couple of times through
room service and leave the kiwi on the dish, and your third fruit plate will
come sans kiwi. Guests enjoyed getting a
tailored experience at each of the chain’s properties. But, a point came when guests worried their
privacy was being invaded. Luckily, the
hotel chain found clever ways to balance personalization with a respect for guest
Social media has ushered in tools
for service providers to go way beyond “I don’t know” (IDK) anything about my
customers. Integrating social media
input with traditional customer relationship management can make possible the
“Have It Your Way” experience customers enjoy.
However, it is vital service providers avoid “Too Much Information”
(TMI) sending customers to competitors. As
you focus on tailor-made service, how can you avoid invading your customers’
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